Claim Your Voice, Claim Your Power.

We help Highly Sensitive Women Create Soul-Satisfying Relationships so they can Lead with Joy and Ease.  

Claim Your Voice, Claim Your Power.

We help Highly Sensitive Leaders Create Soul-Satisfying Relationships so they can Lead with Joy and Ease. 

Sister, I see you. You’re a Creative, Visionary Leader with a powerful purpose. But even with all your success, there’s this nagging feeling that you’re missing out on the life you truly want. You’re tired of never feeling good enough, always pushing yourself, burning out, and getting stuck in the same negative relationship patterns. You’ve been numbing out to cope, but deep down, what you're really craving is joy and ease.

If this resonates, you're not alone. I've walked this path, and so have the countless women I’ve helped break free from these cycles. I'm here to offer you a roadmap to the piece of the code you haven't been able to crack: the safety to Claim Your Voice like never before.

In this next level of your expansion...your next step is to take up more space in the unconditionally loving container of Sacred Sisterhood. It's time for you to experience a level of acceptance and belonging you haven't yet known. This is how women just like you have shed their relentless self-doubt and finally feel truly worthy to live their bliss.

Imagine yourself flowing effortlessly with your intuition.
Picture yourself thriving in relationships that nourish your soul.
Envision your career thriving as you build it with non-negotiable nourishment and pleasure.

This is what it means to be a Visionary Leader NOW—fully stepping into your power, bringing your Highest Vision to life as your Divine, Authentic Self.

I know it feels like this has been just out of reach, but I’m here to help you CLAIM it. Join a Claiming My Voice Program and let's make sure your voice is being heard, your relationships thrive, and you're leading and succeeding with the Joy and Ease you deserve. 
And together, we'll use the power of our voices to change the world.







flower essences


Enjoy my Free Flow Meditation

Use this meditation to ground and honor your needs

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Use this meditation to ground and honor your needs

Imagine this:

You're shedding self-doubt and finally feeling truly worthy.

You're effortlessly flowing with your intuition.

You're thriving in soul-satisfying, conscious relationships, where communication is clear and intentional, making every part of your life feel amazing.

You're honoring your feelings, needs, and desires every day, and cherishing yourself with non-negotiable nourishment and pleasure.

If this is the life you've been dreaming of - and you're ready to step into it NOW
Claiming My Voice is for you.

Hello and Welcome, I'm Jennifer Hendler

My gift is alchemizing any challenge into gold.

To do this at the Highest level, I’ve committed to not numbing out. Now when the pain and challenge come, I'm clear to hear the unconditionally loving messages from my Soul. 

Sister, I believe you can have everything you want - and feel light and free - as long as you stay awake and trust that you are enough.

HOLISTIC therapist

read my story

When you want to go deeper in relationships and ascend higher in your Vision,
Join a Claiming My Voice program.

“This was unlike any therapy I’ve had before, and it was the most effective for my healing. I’m not getting panic attacks, I’m more confident, I can pause when I’m stressed and see that not everything is my fault, and I’m setting better boundaries. I feel lighter! I have transitioned into someone who loves themselves and trusts their intuition.”


“Through working with Jen, I really did claim my voice. I now believe I have the right to my needs instead of just trying to please others. Working with Jen gave me the language to express what I need. I initiate hard conversations now instead of avoiding and bottling them up. I have clear boundaries of what’s ok and not ok with me, and I don’t take things so personally during conflict.”


 “I came into Claiming My Voice with very clear beliefs of who I was and was not, what I could and could not do, where I could and could not change. Jen has helped me open doors, windows, and skylights onto new ways of viewing the world and claiming my rightful place and voice in it.”


Claiming My Voice uses your sensitivity and creative gifts to heal at the root level. Through our holistic practices you’ll access your intuition and the deepest wisdom of your mind, body, heart, and spirit. And with that wisdom, you’ll use the power of your VOICE to transform your fears and insecurities into soul-satisfying living. 

Flower essences are an essential part of this process. These potent allies are a gift from the earth. They will gently bring you into speaking, feeling, and embracing your truth. You’ll be able to use your truth to improve your relationships and reach the highest potential of your life purpose.

My Unique Approach

learn more >

The Soul loves the truth. Find Your Truth. Speak your Truth. Live Your Truth. Be fearless in your journey. Follow your inner guidance. Let go of what is not authentic and sincere in your life. Be a shining example of truth for others.

Denise Linn
The Sacred Forest Oracle

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