If you want to Claim Your Voice in deep connection with the earth and other women, the Garden Sisterhood Circle is for you.

"With Jen and the Sisterhood, I’ve been able to experience things I never thought was possible for me." 


“I left feeling better than I've felt in such a long time."


In every circle, we begin with sacred time dedicated solely to you. A powerful, contemplative space to connect with your inner wisdom, your true desires, and your unspoken needs.

Then we come together and your voice is heard—This is your safe space to fully express yourself, with a Sisterhood that witnesses and honors your journey.

Throughout our time together, the garden becomes your muse and healer. Flower medicine and earth art help open up a world of endless possibilities.

Let go of self-criticism and regrets

Treat your body with love and respect

Honor your feelings and sensitivity

Focus on your own needs and desires

Be a powerful, creative, Soul-Aligned woman 

In Sacred Sisterhood Circle you are safe to: 

Jen's gentle & compassionate coaching, along with her custom-made flower essence remedies, make her an extraordinary therapist.


“I was so sad the day I was told I’d be losing my beloved position as a nanny with a special little boy. Attending Jen’s beautiful, healing Garden Sister Circle was like an angel came to save me in my despair!!!  Sitting in her lovely garden, we shared our stories & support for our grief and new Transitions we all were going through…ending with a Mandala of flowers & leaves. We created a “whole”/collective design for our future lives, now bright with new opportunities and vision!  Jen's gentle & compassionate coaching, along with her custom-made flower essence remedies, make her an extraordinary therapist!“

I'm ready! Save my spot!

join now

The Claiming My Voice Sisterhood Circle is a community of intergenerational women who are committed to personal growth and evolution, and who support each other to live in alignment with our Truth. We celebrate both our successes and challenges as sacred steps on our Divine Path. We create the life and relationships we want by embodying that we are Wise, Essential, Capable and Powerful Women. And we prioritize Beauty, Creativity, and Pleasure. 

For 25 years I’ve been helping women become empowered through holistic Sisterhood Circles. I am constantly in awe of the magic that happens when women connect with the power of the flowers and support each other to rise. It’s life changing on a global scale when we have consistent, nourishing support that reflects back the Highest Truth of who we are and what we’re capable of.

The garden is my sanctuary and this is a very special invitation. The plants and I would love to have you join us for this Circle and support you in Claiming Your Voice! Without a doubt, you matter. What you have to offer is vital and absolutely needed on this planet! I can’t wait to connect with you.

Meet your Guide,
Jennifer Hendler

HOlistic and flower essence therapist,
Relationship Coach 

much love,
