Are you an all-or-nothing kinda person? Many of my clients suffer from being all-or-nothing. It was the best they could figure out a long time ago for feeling safe, in control, and accepted. I still go into all-or-nothing language sometimes during arguments with my husband and because it’s an outdated coping mechanism, it never works […]
For all of you who’ve ever felt like the weird outsider for your creative, spiritual gifts: When my son was younger, we went into a store in San Francisco and bought him a mask that looked like something out of the Mad Max movie. It was so creepy – and he proceeded to walk through […]
The January Garden Circle was so incredible! The next one is March 16th and the topic is ‘Receiving.’ Put it on your calendar now! If you live in another state, bring a friend and road trip! Garden Sisterhood Circle are a such a fun, profound, gorgeous, Voice elevating experience. If you’re wondering what actually happens, […]
As a young girl, I never expressed my anger. The men in my family were explosive and scary. I thought it was my role, like my mom, to make things easier by being quiet. In my 20’s I began to feel my anger but I didn’t know how to process it in a healthy […]
When I was in 6th grade, two girls came up to me in the stairwell and spoke to me in their “secret language.” They giggled as I stood there, feeling painfully excluded and alone. I’ll never forget that experience of girl torture. I’ve revisited it repeatedly for my own healing, and for inspiration to create […]
The only thing I want you to apologize for today is how hard you are on yourself. If you’re going to say you’re sorry, say sorry to yourself for forgetting that you’re a 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍. Not the Queen that expects people to bow down at your feet, but… The Queen who… Leads with love and compassion […]
We often hear and talk about toxic relationships with other people. But not so much about our toxic patterns with ourselves. Thanks to a random shuffle on my phone today and Britany Spears, what came through is: Constant self-doubt and self-criticism are TOXIC! Toxic ways that we talk to ourselves. They can even be an addictive behavior. […]
This was my answer for Anne Hughes during our beautiful podcast conversation.Join us for our conversation about love, feeling safe, & being authentic.
Use this Flow Meditation To Ground And Protect Your Energy.
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